Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Oh the familiar feeling of not being prepared. The feeling of a lack of knowledge and a lack of capabilities to get the job done. The feeling of being a potential disappointment. Same old feeling that always creeps in. I am more and more beginning to understand that this feeling comes from an expectation of perfection.
I can be very hard on myself. It's something I need to continue to work on.
Throughout the month of May, as my date of departure approaches, my excitement has lessened....well maybe it would be better to say that my excitement has been increasingly shadowed over by my worries. I didn't really notice it at first, assuming it was just understandable nervousness at my approaching trip. Upon creating this blog though I was reminded of my source of everything I need; reminded of my vine, my supporting structure. The title of my blog branchingout comes from John 15 where Jesus talks about how He is the vine and we are the branches that bear fruit through Him. Entitling this blog helped me to notice that familiar feeling that had creeped in on me again. God provides. I learned this last year preparing for my two week mission trip to the Czech and feeling very unprepared for it. I on my own am most assuredly lacking many qualities. Thankfully I am reminded that I am not on my own. "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5
So yes, I still have a lot to do preparation wise for this trip, but not alone. Communication with God will be a key component when it comes to letting the brightness of the excitement, opportunities, and blessings of this trip shine through the shadows of worries!
I leave you guys with some quotes from Jamie Sides blog and will get back with you all soon!

"...since the mission is God's anyway, it is good to be reminded that no matter how strong or weak we feel in human terms, we are all just vessels through whom the Lord works"

"...so we see that God is using us, and that gives us encouragement to do the best we can with our limited manpower and leave the rest up to God. After all, God is the real missionary. He uses human instruments, but the power at work is from him."

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